My design work is based on my love of symmetry and balance. I look to nature for inspiration, color for visual harmony, graphic design for a bold representation of my ideas, with a child-like note of fun and whimsy. During this process I listen closely for a spiritual blessing of guidance on my heart.

I've been an artist all my life. I found my passion early on, but I applied my education in graphic arts only to the business world – until recently. During the last few years, personal growth and experience have revealed a new depth of creativity and desire to express my vision of the world.

I believe that one person’s cast-off is another’s treasure. I recycle old items such as tables, furniture, and stools that I find at thrift shops, hand-me-down items, and garage sales, and use them in my projects. It gives me the opportunity to breathe new life into something discarded, and bring a smile to the heart of the observer.

I begin the design process with a pencil drawing, then refine it in black ink, scan it in, clean it up in a graphics program, and print. Then I turn to applying color and texture with various materials. The final step is finding the perfect recycled object on which to apply the design. I finish the artwork with a resin. It can take weeks for each piece, and I find great joy, creativity, and personal satisfaction in each project.

I want my blog to support the idea that we need not buy new to have new – we can recycle and recreate locally for the global good. I hope to challenge the observer to consider what in their own homes might be transformed rather than thrown away. If you would be interested in my services to collaborate on a project, feel free to email me at

Click on photos for larger view of artwork.

NAME: Koi Fish

Lazy Susan; original design; paper; foil; metalic/acyrlic paint; resin. Spring, 2010.

NAME: Mosaic Panel

Wooden Panel; original design; paper; colored pencil; resin. Spring, 2010.

NAME: Floral Stools

Wooden stools purchased at garage sale; original design; paper; foil; fabric; resin. Winter, 2009.

NAME: Oak's Tray

Wooden tray purchased at thrift store; original design; paper; foil; resin. Spring, 2008.

NAME: Pear Tray

Wooden tray purchased at garage sale; original design; paper; colored pencil; foil; resin. Fall, 2008.

NAME: Heart Stool

Wooden stool purchased at thrift store; original design; paper; foil; colored pencil; paint; resin. Summer, 2008.

NAME: Dragonfly Table

Wooden table purchased at garage sale; original design; paper; fabric; colored pencil; glitter; resin. Fall, 2008.

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